Life's a voyage that's homeward bound.

5th Oct 1990



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Last of 2009'

December 31, 2009 9:40 PM

Last of 2009'

It takes time to go up,
but is within second to fall with heart breaking sound.

Can I still trust myself?

Love are beautiful,
beauty could be just imagination.


3:10 AM


One more day
its gonna be a brand new year.

Of cuz as normal i would want a brand new start to everything,
but not everything this time round..

that morning, afternoon, evening & night,
is my happiest moment.
could i remain there???


eiggamyrd -


December 30, 2009 8:36 AM


im thinking too much,
only you to know.


3:22 AM


Had an great K session,
it wouldn't be great without people im with..

right right ??
ACFF, BFF, GFF-self claim, G-toy & ZH.

People say thanks to me when school start alright?
since im the one who sing the MOST !!!


bear with the awful voice uh, sorry.

words from lyrics;
mean my heart.


December 29, 2009 10:12 AM


LOVE - Weather

Happily Together ; Sunny
Sharing Thoughts ; Windy
Uneasy Feelings ; Cloudy
Tears in Heart ; Raining
Heart Shutting ; Thunder & Lighting

kind of random, sorry.

nightmare are just dream,
still i wanna catch the dropping tears.


3:59 AM


words are kept inside this song -


December 28, 2009 3:13 AM



today i just felt that im over the board,
and is kind of like placing too much pressure.

im sorry.

you're important -


December 27, 2009 7:16 AM


i see the word;



every moment is beautiful.

was it the same to you.

loving you doesn't make the world go round;
you're what make the ride worthwhile -

24 December

December 24, 2009 7:01 AM

24 December


is an greatest moment you could find,
when having the person beside you,
your world just turn colourful
and you will have the idea of 'i just want to remain in this moment forever'

am i right ?? i don't know. im a noob..


somehow u are clear with what you want,
yet poor in decision,
maybe love are really blind.

used to think 'love' is just an word
but not anymore.

still im not having love yet...

a day,
seem to be just an hour.

could it be longer ??

thankyou -

20 December

December 20, 2009 5:39 AM

20 December

Lately have been sleeping real 'early' in the morning,
have been packing myself up with..


but nowaday not being able to ton through the night any more,
maybe once u are getting old that's the case bah.

althought 19 and 20 are only a year different,
but it makes a big different man,
kids will start calling you UNCLE OR AUNTIE.

i have a dream,
a heart of love.

Libra & Aquarius

5:30 AM

Libra & Aquarius

Natives of both Libra and Aquarius are prone to be attracted to unusual individuals, excitement, and an abundance of activitiy and socializing. Hence, there is a better than even chance here that these two will fall head-over-heels in love. Should the Aquarius partner go rushing off at some ungodly hour to help out a friend in need, not only will Libra understand, he or she will probably go along. If Aquarius brings home a down-and-out stranger to spend the night, then Libra will immediately make up the bed in the spare questions asked. While there are some aspects of the two personalities here that each will find irritating, this couple will find it easier than most Signs to reach a compromise. Perhaps the chief stumbling block is that the opinions of others mean very little...if anything at natives of Aquarius and he or she will find it difficult to understand how the Libra partner can be wounded by a cruel remark from someone else. Indeed, in the eyes of the Aquarius mate, it is possible that he or she considers Libra to be somewhat overly sensitive. In past relationships, it is likely that physical intimacy did not mean much to the Aquarius partner but with Libra, that changes drastically and radically. Libra is impulsive and will strive to show Aquarius the joys of being spontaneous. In short, this is a very favorable relationship and one that is likely to last an extremely long time.

The Libra/Aquarius match results in a union that can serve to heighten and strengthen the consciousness of both Signs. This pair connects on a very high mental level. They share a love of art, people and culture. They also have a mutual aversion to restrictive influences in their lives. This couple will get along well because they have such similar needs and do not require more of one another than each is willing to give. These are two energetic and enthusiastic souls and their relationship is unlikely to ever become stagnant. Both Libra and Aquarius are concerned with the betterment of the world and their fellow humans. Indeed, Aquarius is the most progressive thinker of the Zodiac and its natives always have a new idea in the works. Libra is the Zodiac's diplomat and those it governs abhor any form of dispute. These are born balancers, possessed with a desire to avoid conflict and blessed with a love of intellectual freedom. However, these two traits can result in Libra natives being somewhat indecisive at times and when this happens, the more firm-minded Aquarius partner can step forward and help Libra to figure out in which direction to turn. The Libra partner can return the favor by smoothing the occasionally ruffled feathers of Aquarius that result from this Sign's idealistic thinking sometimes crashing down in the face of reality.

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus and Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, indicative of rebellion, with a secondary influence afforded by the karmic Saturn (which ruled Aquarius prior to the discovery of Uranus). This combination of influences can be an interesting and productive one. Libra and Aquarius should certainly take on other projects together aside from their romantic liaison, since these two can make great things happen by using their hearts, their urge for progress and their consciousness of the greater good. Indeed, this couple can be quite extraordinary in terms of standing up for social justice or radical change in the community. Both Libra and Aquarius are governed by the element of Air. Thus, there is a strong intellectual bond that constantly stimulates ideas, to say nothing of communcation styles and skills. Again, the ability to work as a team makes it obvious that these two Signs must adopt larger projects in their life together...concern themselves with the greater good. Those ruled by Libra can bring a certain balance to any undertaking that almost no other Zodiac Sign is capable of achieving. Together, Libra and Aquarius will also have many stimulating intellectual discussions about mutual interests and pursuits. Libra is Cardinal in quality and Aquarius is Fixed. Hence, Libra sets things in motion but may experience trouble in seeing them through to conclusion. This is what makes the determined influence of the Aquarius partner so positive...he or she possesses an abundance of follow-through, able to seize Libra's ideas and run with them to the end. This pair work especially well together since they tend not to argue about who will do what...who will take credit and who will work behind the scenes versus out in the spotlight. Perhaps the best aspect of a Libra/Aquarius match is their ability to work as a team. Together, they can learn so much more than either could alone. Their accomplishments, coupled with a love of socializing and new projects, makes for an extremely satisfying...even enviable...relationship and one with a high success rate in terms of longevity.

In essence, this is an exceedingly good combination. Aquarius has near perfect affinities for Libra. Both partners love beauty, society and the human race...all things that help to make this an ideal union. However, a potential problem may be misunderstandings due to the Aquarius partner being somewhat unpredictable from time to time and, on occassion for no apparent reason, he or she may seek seclusion and refuse to communicate.

what if..

Libra Man

5:08 AM


A Libran man can answer all your questions, but he cannot solve the puzzle of your typically girlish dreams. He likes to maintain a balance in everything he does and that includes love too. If you have been captivated by him once, there is a minuscule chance that you will be able to leave him. Even if try to back off, he will convince you with such persuasive arguments that you would be left with no other option, but to stay. He will cover the contradictions of his behavior with such charm that you will be entrapped once again, with nowhere to go.

God help you if he smiles! You will fall in love with him again. Don't blame yourself; the smile of a Libra male is so captivating that not even his enemies can resist it. Now, when you are totally enamored, you are bound to forget your own existence. His charm will result in you seeing his dreams and his happiness being your utmost priority. The first thing you will notice about him is that he finds it very difficult to make up his mind. If even after much deliberation, he has been able to do that, he may change his opinion in a split second if he thinks he made a mistake.

If you really want to fight him, turn your back towards him while fighting and stuff your ears with cotton. If he looks at you with that smile of his and starts his convincing arguments in that smooth tone, you won't stand a single chance of winning. As far as romance is concerned, your Libra guy will never fall short of it. He can use his pleasing manner and graceful charm and win any girl in sight. Once he wins her heart, he is not too sure what to do with it and this is when the problems start. Even if the situation demands a break up, he will always try to postpone it as much as he can.

Though he does this just to make sure that this is what is best for the both of them, he hurts a person's feelings in the process. Even the opposite case, when he is deciding whether to propose marriage or not, is equally painful. On top of that, if he thinks he is being unfair to you, the confusion gets more pronounced. Libran men tend to confuse love with friendship and vice-versa. They keep searching for the perfect girl and if the relationship doesn't turns out to be as they expected it, they become a little heartbroken and then move on with life.

A lost love seldom makes a deep wound in a Libran heart. It forgives and forgets. A Libra man is never interested in prying out your secrets. He delves deeper into a topic just to get a fair view of it and not with the aim of dissecting a situation. All he wants are the facts, not the personal nuances lying underneath them. He will from an opinion about your behavior, but he wouldn't take too much pain to know why you behave the way you do. A Libran is like a judge who passes his judgments on the basis of the facts, not the emotions triggering them. He is not interested in gossip and is not the one to tell your personal secrets to anyone.

So, you can trust him with all your heart. A Libran male will listen to your inner dreams, desires and hopes. However, do not expect him to understand your silent hopes. He is not good at that and all your hopes may come thrashing to the ground. You will have to learn to live with it. At the same time, don't expect him to take your side when you are wrong. He has built-in mechanism of being fair, even when it involves you. A Libran guy is generous with money and stinginess is not one of his personality traits.

His house will be full of guests every now and then, but he dislikes going to crowded places that are full of strangers. He likes people, but if the numbers become too large, he becomes uncomfortable. If you are planning to get married to him, develop the habit of keeping the house neat, clean and full of good fragrances. A Libran guy cannot tolerate sloppiness and pungent cooking smells make him feel depressed. He may be careless and shoddy himself, but you will be expected to keep yourself, the kids as well as the house attractive all the time. He may not say anything about this, but his behavior will.

Staying out till late, sleeping all the time he is at home, etc, are some of the signs that things are not right. This is something you will have to analyze and correct. Otherwise, you may lose a very devoted, generous, fair and pleasing husband, who has a smile that can melt any heart. As a father, a Libra male will teach his kids the sense of fairness, discipline and debate. He will dote on them, but they will never come before you. His fatherly affection won't overshadow his romantic feelings for you. Just remember to take initiative in the relationship, keep him loved and nourished and he will always keep you warm with his captivating smile!

you're butterfly,
i'll be the forest.